الثلاثاء، ٢٦ يونيو ٢٠٠٧

هل بارحت الإنقاذ محطة 1989 ؟

قبيلة الصحفيين ما أن تنتهي من معركة حتي تلوح لها في الأفق معركة جديدة. خرجت القبيلة الصحفية منددة بإعتقال أربعة من أبناءها وهم قذافي عبد المطلب من صحيفة ( الأيام ) الفاتح عبد الله صحيفة ( سوداني ) وأبو القاسم فرحنا ( ألوان ) وأبو عبيدة عوض (رأي الشعب) عندما سارعوا بالذهاب إلي منطقة كجبار في تغطية خبرية عن مجزرتها الأليمة.
        لا أود إثارة تساؤلات عن طبيعة الإعتقال ولا الهدف منه بإلقاء اللائمة علي السلطة من مخالفاتها للدستور الانتقالي و مخالفاتها للحقوق الصحفية والقانونية والإنسانية لصحفيين يقومون بدورهم في تمليك الحقائق لجماهير شعبهم عبر صحفهم والتي من أهم منابر الوعي.
       أحسب أن الصحفيون عبر أعمدتهم وصحفهم قالوا كل ما يمكن أن يقال في إعتقال زملائهم الشئ الذي لم يترك لنا ما نقوله سوى التنديد معهم بإعتقال الحقيقة ولجمها وإسكاتها باعتقال هؤلاء الشباب|، ومطالبة السلطة الحاكمة وأقول سلطة حاكمة دون التفريق بين ولائي وإتحادي لأن العقلية والنفسية التي نتعامل معها مجبولة ومدفوعة إلي هذا الفعل بحكم طبيعة هذا النظام السادر في   غيه الناظر من عليائه المترف إلي قضايا شعبنا وكافة قطاعاته المهنية والنقابية والحزبية ومؤسساته المدنية كأدوات لا بد من توفرها داخل مساحة أرض تسمى مجازاً بدولة, بإطلاق صراح الصحفيون أو تقديمهم لمحاكمة عادلة أو هللنا مهنئين ومنتصرين في معركة أنتهت بإطلاق صراحهم بعد أن ظن قادة النظام أن بإعتقالهم يمكن إعتقال الحقيقة ولكن عليهم إعتقال كل الفضاء لإعتقال الحقيقة.
ونتساءل هل خطابات التنديد ومواقف الشجب والإدانة كافية لمواجهة هذه العقلية المتسلطة الغير آبهة بكل شئ. ألم يحن أن تُتَخذ مواقف أكثر قوة وجرأة عبر أجسام ونقابات تمثل إرادة الصحفيين الحقيقية تكسبهم أراضي جديدة للعمل الصحفي الحر.
       وعلينا أن ننظر بعمق لعقلية وطبيعة هذا النظام فهل أدت كل التغيرات السياسية لتغيير منهج تفكيره. إذن علينا العودة القهقري إلي بدايات هذا النظام الحاكم بإقامة دولة الفضيلة والصدق والعدل والمساواة علي أرض السودان ومن ثم نشره في المحيط الإقليمي ثم تتسع الدائرة لإخضاع كل العالم لتصورات وأوهام ما كان لها أن تنبت إلا في هذه العقول الصدئة والمتوهمة وذلك بإحكام السيطرة الكاملة علي الدولة إقتصادياً عبر سياسة التمكين وإعلامياً عبر برمجتها المتكاملة لإعادة صياغة الإنسان السوداني بما يتفق وروح المشروع الحضاري الإسلامي كما يتصورون ويتوهمون وذلك بالإستخدام المفرط للقوة الأمينة والعسكرية والتي أعيدت صياغتها بذات الأدوات والمناهج لتخدم مشاريعهم العظيمة – قام هذا النظام لتطبيق برامجه بحماسة فائقة إستسهل معها تقديم أرواح أبناءه رخيصة في سبيل تحقيق شعاراته الجوفاء التي ملأ بها أسماع الدنيا وإستعدى بها كل العالم.
       جُوبه النظام بمقاومة مسلحة عنيفة في الجنوب وبمقاومة القوة السياسية الوطنية داخلياً وخارجياً لمجابهة تداعيات تنفيذ مختطاته وأهدافه لإعادة الحياة الدستورية والنقابية لديمقراطية فشلوا في الحفاظ عليها ويتحملون تبعات زوالها فإشتعل الوطن حرباً في كل الجبهات وحُوصر النظام من قبل كل العالم إقتصادياً وسياسياً وإستطاع هذا النظام بميكافيليته المتطورة وما أسعفته به عقلية منظريه من فقه الضرورة الصمود بصورة عجزت معها كل القوة الدولية والإقليمية والمحلية في إسقاطه ولكن أسهمت إلي حد كبير الي إيقاظ النظام من حلمه المتوهم إلي واقعية قدّم من خلالها النظام من التنازلات ما أفضي إلى إتفاقية جبال النوبة ثم ميشاكوس ومن ثم التوقيع علي إتفاقية السلام التي أدت الي إستقرار نسبي في جنوب السودان المثخن بجراح الفقر والجوع والجهل والمرض، وكذلك قادته سياساته إلي إتفاقية أبوجا القادمة تحت ضغط المقاومة المسلحة في دافور المستجيبة لعقلية النظام المتحدية دوماً لمعارضيها للمنازلة المسلحة.
       وبرغم ما شاب ميشاكوس من قصور يتمثل في ثنائية الإتفاق لكن فرحنا بها فرحة الأطفال في يوم عيد بلباسهم الجديد وقلنا أن هذا النظام يمكن أن يتمرن علي الممارسة الديمقراطية عبر ما سُن من دساتير وقوانين هي أصلاً مفقودة في الأفق التنظيمي والتربوي والعقلي والنفسي للمتوسدين رفاهية السلطة من أبناء هذا النظام منذ بدايته وحتي الآن دون تغيير يذكر علي مستوي القيادة إلا فيما إقتضته ضرورة إنتقال النحلة من زهرة إلي زهرة لجمع الرحيق وصنع العسل ومن ثم الدفاع عنه بلسعاتها القاتلة.
يقول شيخ السلام إبن تيمية أمران ما إن مسا طبيعة النفس البشرية إلا وأحدثا تأثيراً في طبيعة الإنسان وسلوكه وهما السلطة والمال ونلاحظ أن إبن تيمية كان يتحدث عن العقلية المؤمنة الصادقة قكيف بعقلية أجادت إقتناص كل الفرص المتاحة لتثبيت نفسها في كراسي السلطة إقتصادياً وعسكرياً دون مراعاة لشعبٍ 95% منه دون حد الفقر ودولة هم مسؤلون عن حدودها وأمنها فقد إستلموها مليون ميل مربع كاملة العدد، ولا نعلم ما يمكن أن تنحسر إليه هذه المساحة فقد تنحصر فى مثلث التنمية المقدم من القطاع الإقتصادي للمؤتمر الوطني في مؤتمره الإقتصادي وعلي رأسه المتمكن حمدي ( من سياسة التمكين ) أم تنحسر المساحة إلي ما يمكن أن يحفظ لهم ما حققوه من مكاسب في زمنهم المتطاول في السلطة.
       ولنكون أكثر عمقاً في تحليل عقلية وطبيعة إصدار القرار داخل هذه المنظومة وما خلفته من جيوش من الإنتهازيين والطفيليين المتمددين في أوردة وشرايين وعصب هذا الوطن، نحن أمام عقلية إحترفت المتاجرة في كل شئ بدءاً بالدين والقيم إنتهاءاً بكل ما يمكن أن يباع ويشتري وذلك في وضع نفسي وروحي يصعب معه علي أعظم الإختصاصيين النفسيين والإجتماعيين تفسيره قهر وظلم قتل ودم فصل وتشريد نهب وسلب ثم نور وقرآن وتهليل وتكبير. أهو ذات الدين الذي أخرج لنا أبوبكر رضي الله عنه في إيمانه وتقواه والفاروق في عدله وزهده وعثمان في تقواه وصبره علي الموت في داره ودمه الذكي يبلل صفحات مصحفه الطاهر وهو رافض أن تراق دماء المسلمين بسببه وعلي كرم الله وجهه الورع العالم التقي أم هي زيادية وحجّاجية القرن الـ21 الصاعدة علي أعتاب دم الحسين.
       فما بين مطالب شد الحجارة علي البطون والزهد في هذه الدنيا الفانية ومظاهر الرفاة والسلطة بون شاسع شاسع يوضح بجلاء هذا الإنقسام النفسي والروحي والأخلاقي حيث لم يبقي من مظاهر التدين سوى إذاعة سمّت نفسها الكوثر لمدح خير الناس صلي الله عليه وسلم الذي عظمه وكرمه وشهد له ربه حيث قال تعالي ( وإنك لعلي خلق عظيم ) في إنتهازية واضحة للإرث الصوفي السوداني ومشايخه الكرام وكأن القيم التي دعا إليها هذا الدين العظيم ودعا لإنتهاجها والتمسك بها من صدق وعدل وأمانة وحرمة الدماء والوفاء بالعهود ... قامت عليها دعائم هذه الدولة ولم يتبقي لنا سوى الإستماع لهذا الأدب الصوفي الجميل.
       وتكشف تقارير المراجع العام النهب المتزايد للمال العام، كما إزداد بيع مؤسسات الدولة وإستثماراتها بالصفقات المشبوهة مع الشركاء الجدد من العرب والآسيويين حتي لو كان ذلك ملطخ بدماء الأبرياء وأمري وكجبار شواهد علي ذلك.
       بما لا شك فيه أن إتفاقية السلام وإتفاقية القاهرة وإتفاقية أبوجا أوجدت واقعا جديداً في الساحة السياسية يجعلنا نتساءل هل ستكتفي القوة السياسية بخطابات الشجب والإدانة وتعرية سلوك النظام أما آن الأوان لقيادة عمل سياسي أكثر حسم وجدية وجرأة بآليات عمل مبتكرة وجديدة تسهم في خلق الوعي السياسي والعمل التنظيمي المنضبط لخوض الإنتخابات القادمة وفقاً للدستور- والتي يتباهى المؤتمر الوطني وهو ممسك بالقلم ودون شك لن يكتب نفسه شقي بقدرته علي حسمها- بدل الإعتماد علي الولاءات الطائفية والقبلية والتقليدية الواقعة تحت عصي السلطة وجزرة التنمية.
       حتى متي يظل الوجود داخل المجلس الوطني وجودا تكميلياً أم أن الكندشة الباردة والمقاعد الوثير والطعام الدسم والحوافز المغرية أنستهم الإحساس بمسغبة شعبنا وقضاياه المثخنة بدماء الأبرياء أما نحتاج إلي مواقف أكثر وضوحاً ومضاءاً وحسماً ونعلم علم اليقين أن لا عودة إلي حمل السلاح ولو أدي ذلك علي الإبقاء علي عمر الإنقاذ ألف عام أخري ( سيبتسم الإنقاذيون بسخرية ) أما آن الأوان من كل القوة الوطنية حزبية كانت أو نقابية السير قدماً في طريق واحد لا نتنكبه بسبب ما يثيره المؤتمر الوطني من الغبار وزر الرماد فى العيون و كل ذلك يحتاج إلي مجهود جبار يبذل وسط كم هائل من الإحباطات المتراكمة والفقر المدقع والقهر والظلم المتطاول لهذا النظام.
       وما نؤكده أن هذا النظام وعبر تصرفاته الرعناء في كجبار ودارفور وشرق السودان لم يبرح مكانه منذ عام 1989م إلا فيما إقتضته الظروف في تغيير جلده كل ما دفعته الضرورة إلي ذلك حتي لو دعي الأمر إلي التخلص من شيخهم ومعلمهم وأخوة لهم بالزج بهم في غياهب السجون أهي غريزة حب البقاء التي تدفع الأم لأكل وليدها أم هي بالفهم الشعبي السوداني ( اتغدوا بيهم قبل ما اتعشوا بيهم ).
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الخميس، ٢١ يونيو ٢٠٠٧

Kajbar massacre مذبحة كجبار

On June 13, 2007 we received disturbing news from Kajbar area in Northern Sudan informing that the security forces have used excessive ... all » force to disperse a peaceful demonstration by Nubians protesting the construction of a dam at Third Cataract by Kajbar village. The security forces used tear gas and life ammunitions killing at least 6 people and wounding many others. The date palm trees in the area along the Nile were set on fire when peaceful demonstrators used them as protective shields from sporadic shooting. The security forces started shooting on the crowd from the surrounding mountains when the demonstrators came across a narrow passage on their way to an open area few kilometers south of the site of the proposed dam
Those killed include: 1. Mohamed Fageer Mohamed from Farraig 2. Sadig Salim from Faraig 3. Shaikheldin Haj From Nawri 4. Abdelmoiz Mohamed Abdelrahim from Shrgifad 5. Khairi Osman Khairi from Sabu 6. Mohamed Fageer Diab from Farraig

Many were injured and they were taken by the local people to Dongola Hospital for treatment. The wounded include: 1. Sidahmed Osman Nouri from Mashakaila 2. Khairi Osman Ismail from Mashakaila 3. Osman Ibrahim Osman from Farraig 4. Farah Abdelrahim Farah from Shargifad 5. Hamid hamad Hamid from Kajbar 6. Elfadil Mohamed fageer from Kajbar 7. Mursi Sid Ahmed from Kajbar 8. Abdelmalik Ali Daoud from Kajbar

الأربعاء، ٢٠ يونيو ٢٠٠٧

Scholars Race to Recover a Lost Kingdom on the Nile

On the periphery of history in antiquity, there was a land known as Kush. Overshadowed by Egypt, to the north, it was a place of uncharted breadth and depth far up the Nile, a mystery verging on myth. One thing the Egyptians did know and recorded — Kush had gold.

Scholars have come to learn that there was more to the culture of Kush than was previously suspected. From deciphered Egyptian documents and modern archaeological research, it is now known that for five centuries in the second millennium B.C., the kingdom of Kush flourished with the political and military prowess to maintain some control over a wide territory in Africa.

Kush’s governing success would seem to have been anomalous, or else conventional ideas about statehood rest too narrowly on the experiences of early civilizations like Mesopotamia, Egypt and China. How could a fairly complex state society exist without a writing system, an extensive bureaucracy or major urban centers, none of which Kush evidently had?

Archaeologists are now finding some answers — at least intriguing insights — emerging in advance of rising Nile waters behind a new dam in northern Sudan. Hurried excavations are uncovering ancient settlements, cemeteries and gold-processing centers in regions previously unexplored.

In recent reports and interviews, archaeologists said they had found widespread evidence that the kingdom of Kush, in its ascendancy from 2000 B.C. to 1500 B.C., exerted control or at least influence over a 750-mile stretch of the Nile Valley. This region extended from the first cataract in the Nile, as attested by an Egyptian monument, all the way upstream to beyond the fourth cataract. The area covered part of the larger geographic region of indeterminate borders known in antiquity as Nubia.

Some archaeologists theorize that the discoveries show that the rulers of Kush were the first in sub-Saharan Africa to hold sway over so vast a territory.

“This makes Kush a more major player in political and military dynamics of the time than we knew before,” said Geoff Emberling, co-leader of a University of Chicago expedition. “Studying Kush helps scholars have a better idea of what statehood meant in an ancient context outside such established power centers of Egypt and Mesopotamia.”

Gil Stein, director of the Oriental Institute at the university, said, “Until now, virtually all that we have known about Kush came from the historical records of their Egyptian neighbors and from limited explorations of monumental architecture at the Kushite capital city, Kerma.”

To archaeologists, knowing that a virtually unexplored land of mystery is soon to be flooded has the same effect as Samuel Johnson ascribed to one facing the gallows in the morning. It concentrates the mind.

Over the last few years, archaeological teams from Britain, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Sudan and the United States have raced to dig at sites that will soon be underwater. The teams were surprised to find hundreds of settlement ruins, cemeteries and examples of rock art that had never been studied. One of the most comprehensive salvage operations has been conducted by groups headed by Henryk Paner of the Gdansk Archaeological Museum in Poland, which surveyed 711 ancient sites in 2003 alone.

“This area is so incredibly rich in archaeology,” Derek Welsby of the British Museum said in a report last winter in Archaeology magazine.

The scale of the salvage effort hardly compares to the response in the 1960s to the Aswan High Dam, which flooded a part of Nubia that then reached into what is southern Egypt. Imposing temples that the pharaohs erected at Abu Simbel and Philae were dismantled and restored on higher ground.

The Kushites, however, left no such grand architecture to be rescued. Their kingdom declined and eventually disappeared by the end of the 16th century B.C., as Egypt grew more powerful and expansive under rulers of the period known as the New Kingdom.

In Sudan, the Merowe Dam, built by Chinese engineers with French and German subcontractors, stands at the downstream end of the fourth cataract, a narrow passage of rapids and islands. The rising Nile waters will create a lake 2 miles wide and 100 miles long, displacing more than 50,000 people of the Manasir, Rubatab and Shaigiyya tribes. Most archaeologists expect this to be their last year for exploring Kush sites nearest the former riverbanks.

In the first three months of this year, archaeologists from the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago scoured the rock and ruins of a desolate site called Hosh el-Geruf, upstream from the fourth cataract and about 225 miles north of Khartoum, the capital of Sudan. Their most striking discovery was ample artifacts of Kushite gold processing.

Gold was already known as a source of Kush’s wealth through trade with Egypt. Other remains of gold-processing works had been found in the region, though none with such a concentration of artifacts. Dr. Emberling said that more than 55 huge grinding stones were scattered along the riverbank.

Experts in the party familiar with ancient mining technology noted that the stones were similar to ones found in Egypt in association with gold processing. The stones were used to crush ore from quartz veins. The ground bits were presumably washed with river water to separate and recover the precious metal.

“Even today, panning for gold is a traditional activity in the area,” said Bruce Williams, a research associate at the Oriental Institute and a co-leader of the expedition.

But the archaeologists saw more in their discovery than the glitter of gold. The grinding stones were too large and numerous to have been used only for processing gold for local trade. Ceramics at the site were in the style and period of Kush’s classic flowering, about 1750 B.C. to 1550 B.C.

This appeared to be strong evidence for a close relationship between the gold-processing settlement and ancient Kerma, the seat of the kingdom at the third cataract, about 250 miles downstream. The modern city of Kerma has spread over the ancient site, but some of the ruins are protected for further research by Swiss archaeologists, whose work will not be affected by the new dam.

British and Polish teams have also reported considerable evidence of the Kerma culture in cemeteries and settlement ruins elsewhere upstream from the fourth cataract. Near Hosh el-Geruf, the Chicago expedition excavated more than a third of the 90 burials in a cemetery. Grave goods indicated that these were elite burials from the same classic period and, thus, more evidence of the influence of Kerma. A few tombs had the rectangular shafts of class Kerma burials, graceful tulip-shaped beakers and jars of the Kerma type and even some vessels and jewelry from Egypt.

“The exciting thing to me,” Dr. Williams said, “is that we are really seeing intensive organization activity from a distance, and the only reasonable attribution is that it belongs to Kush.”

The primary accomplishment of the salvage project, the archaeologists said, is the realization that the kingdom of Kush in its heyday extended not just northward to the first cataract, but also southward, well beyond the fourth cataract. At places like Hosh el-Geruf, they added in an internal report, “the expedition found the Kushites’ organized search for wealth illustrated in a significant new way.”

The research is supported by the Packard Humanities Institute and the National Geographic Society. The Hosh el-Geruf site is in the research area assigned by Sudanese authorities to the Gdansk Museum, which invited the Chicago team to dig there.

By this time next year, the dammed waters may be lapping at the old gold works, and archaeologists will be looking elsewhere for clues to the mystery of how remote Kush developed the statecraft to oversee a vast realm in antiquity.

الاثنين، ١٨ يونيو ٢٠٠٧

Watch "الجماهير النوبيه تتصدى للوالي و اعوانه"

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الجماهير النوبيه تتصدى للوالي و اعوانه

5 min 0 sec - Jun 10, 2007
Description: nubian

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kajbar توثيق مجزرة كجبـار " الأربعاء الأسود في تاريخ النوبة "

45 min 44 sec - Jun 17, 2007

Description: On June 13, 2007 we received disturbing news from Kajbar area in Northern Sudan informing that the security forces have used excessive force to disperse a peaceful demonstration by Nubians protesting the construction of a dam at Third Cataract by Kajbar village. The security forces used tear gas and life ammunitions killing at least 6 people and wounding many others. The date palm trees in the area along the Nile were set on fire when peaceful demonstrators used them as protective shields from sporadic shooting. The security forces started shooting on the crowd from the surrounding mountains when the demonstrators came across a narrow passage on their way to an open area few kilometers south of the site of the proposed dam. Those killed include: 1. Mohamed Fageer Mohamed from Farraig 2. Sadig Salim from Faraig 3. Shaikheldin Haj From Nawri 4. Abdelmoiz Mohamed Abdelrahim from Shrgifad 5. Khairi Osman Khairi from Sabu 6. Mohamed Fageer Diab from Farraig Many were injured and they were taken by the local people to Dongola Hospital for treatment. The wounded include: 1. Sidahmed Osman Nouri from Mashakaila 2. Khairi Osman Ismail from Mashakaila 3. Osman Ibrahim Osman from Farraig 4. Farah Abdelrahim Farah from Shargifad 5. Hamid hamad Hamid from Kajbar 6. Elfadil Mohamed fageer from Kajbar 7. Mursi Sid Ahmed from Kajbar 8. Abdelmalik Ali Daoud from Kajbar.

Watch "ملحمة كجبار للاستاذ مكى علي ادريس"

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ملحمة كجبار للاستاذ مكى علي ادريس

14 min 2 sec - Apr 28, 2007
Description: nubian music

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Protesting Kajbar Dam

الأحد، ١٧ يونيو ٢٠٠٧

Four Killed Over Nile Dam Project That Threatens Nubian Towns

Dan Morrison in Sebo, Sudan
for National Geographic News
*June 15, 2007*
A proposed dam project on the Nile River has escalated into bloody conflict between Sudan's government and ethnic minority Nubians who stand to lose the little that's left of their ancient homeland.

Four people were killed Wednesday near Sebo, in northern Sudan, and another 19 injured when riot police fired on villagers protesting the project, according to officials and witnesses.

"They were shot before my eyes.'' Osman Ibrahim Osman, a leader of a coalition of 26 villages that opposes the dam, told National Geographic News.

"I can't explain why they started firing. It was a peaceful demonstration.''

Later, in the Sudanese capital, Khartoum, police used tear gas to scatter hundreds of demonstrators outraged by the deaths and stirred by the bitter legacy of the Aswan High Dam. Dozens of Nubian villages were flooded by the dam's construction and tens of thousands of people were forcibly relocated.

Despite the intense local opposition, Sudan 's government is moving forward with preliminary work on the project, known as the Kijbar.

The tensions over Kijbar echo a struggle hundreds of miles to the south, where members of a river tribe have refused to make way for the Chinese-built hydroelectric Merowe Dam, which is scheduled to begin operation in late 2008.

*Bitter Memories*

For the Kijbar protestors, however, the true touchstone is the Nile's Aswan High Dam in neighboring Egypt (map of Egypt ).

Egypt's construction of the Aswan High Dam in the 1960s flooded Nubian villages on both sides of the Sudan-Egypt border and forced more than 90,000 people into new settlements—most of them in Sudan's eastern desert.

In Sudan the main Nubian city, Wadi Halfa, was submerged by the new Aswan reservoir, which the Egyptians call Lake Nasser and the Sudanese call Lake Nubia.

A military dictatorship forced 50,000 people to a new city, New Halfa, in the east, where many died of malaria and other diseases. The community splintered, and many families migrated to Khartoum and other cities.

Nubians on the Egyptian side of the border were relocated to Nile villages north of Aswan.

"You can't destroy a whole area in the name of development,'' said Sawi Bitek, a longtime advocate for the Nubian villages that remain on the Nile.

"We are river people. We need trees. You can't put us out in the desert.''

The region of Nubia runs more than 435 miles (700 kilometers) along the Nile, from Aswan in Egypt past the town of Dongola in Sudan (Sudan map ).

The black people's history dates to at least 2300 B.C. They were at different times rivals, vassals, and conquerers of the ancient Egyptians, and the culture maintained its distinct languages and customs even as it adopted Christianity and later Islam. (Related: "Rare Nubian King Statues Uncovered in Sudan" [February 27, 2003].)

That cultural and geographic continuity suffered a severe blow with the raising of the Aswan High Dam.

*Bitter Memories*

More than 40 years later, the memory is still raw.

So when a crew of Chinese construction workers appeared just north of the hamlet of Sebo in January, a ripple of panic went through the villages that would likely be submerged by a new dam.

"After Halfa, the thought of another dam is miserable,'' said a local elder who requested anonymity because he feared government retaliation.

"The same thing will happen to us as happened to them. We expect nothing better.''

On April 24 some 3,000 residents occupied and shut down the work site, where workers were drilling test holes to determine the composition of the bedrock beneath the region's date palm orchards and fields.

Police reinforcements sent from Dongola were trapped by a roadblock of boulders and palm trunks several miles south of the site, where the route is pinched by the Nile on one side and a steep stone embankment on the other.

Residents surrounded the dozens of police in a polite standoff, offering tea and water but keeping them away from the work site.

On Wednesday it was from that steep hill that members of Sudan's paramilitary Central Reserve Force fired on a large crowd that was marching to stop a renewed drilling and to halt the confiscation of locally owned plots, witnesses said.

Government officials said in a statement that police fired in self-defense after tear gas failed to disperse the crowd, the AFP news agency reported. The governor of Sudan's Northern State, Merghani Salah Sid Ahmed, couldn't be reached for comment.

السبت، ١٦ يونيو ٢٠٠٧

قتلوهم هنا

فى هذا المكان فى الصورة اعلاه ارتكب الانقاذيين المجرمين جريمتهم النكراء وكلعادة خرجوا للشعب السودانى باكاذيبهم وذكروا ان الشرطة (الجنجويد) قامت بالرد (باطلاق الرصاص) عندما هاجم المواطنيين مكتب السد فى قرية سبو ولكن نحن ابناء المنطقة ناكد للشعب النوبى والشعب السودانى ان اكاذيب هولاء السفهاء لن نمررها دون توضيح للحقيقة كاملة وناكد ان كل الاحداث موثقة وسترون الحقائق تباعا دحضا لاكاذيبهم عبر وسائلنا الاعلامية.
وهذا المكان يعرف ب(كدن تكار) واقعة عند نهاية قرية جدى وتحركت المسيرة من القرى جنوب هذه المنطقة وكانوا يريدون العبور عبر الممر الضيق بين الجبل والنخيل الى قرية سبو فى الشمال علما بان هنالك مسافة خالية يعرف ب(سيون دوكى)وهى منطقة خلوية تفصل القريتين جدى وسبو التى قالوا ان بها مكتب للسد
على العموم ناكد ان هذه المنطقة بعيدة كل البعد من قرية سبو .
عند وصول الجموع البشرية الى هذا المرر الضيق كان القناصة المجرميين جاهزين لارتكاب حماقتهم من فوق الجبل وما هى الا لحظات وسقط شهداءنا وجرحانا ولولا اشجار النخيل والنيل لسقط العديد من القتلى والجرحى ونحمد الله كثيرا ان جعل لنا نيلا ونخيلا يحمينا وعشنا عليها منذ زمن ادم وحواء .
المجد والخلود لشهداءنا.
الجدير بالذكر ان هولاء مرتكبى الجريمة لزالوا مرابطين فى هذا المكان(كدن تكار) مع القيام باعمال استفزازية لاهالى المنطقة
اخرجوا قبل ان تخرجو

مدحت عثمان(فريقنتود)ا

ضحايا مجزرة كجبار ينقلون الي مستشفي دنقلا

مسيره الغضب النوبيه الثانيه ضد اقامة سد كجبار

السلطات السودانية تقوم بارهاب واعتقالات واسعة في صفوف لجان مناهضة سد كجبار

السلطات السودانية التي اعتدت علي المتظاهريين العزل وحصدت ارواح عدد منهم بالرصاص واصابت الكثيرين ومنعت عنهم العلاج اتجهت لترهيب اللجان المناهضة لسد كجبار والصحفيين فاعتقلت اعداد منهم واطلقت سراح البعض وما زال هؤلاء معتقليين ولا يعرف عن مكانهم ولا حالتهم شيئا :
الاستاذ رأفت حسن عباس عضو اللجنة الاعلامية لمناهضة السد
والاستاذ أحمد رمرم المحامي
والاستاذ عبد المتعال عبد الرحمن نصر

الجمعة، ١٥ يونيو ٢٠٠٧

نائب والي الشمالية يستقيل

من تداعيات احداث كجبار والتصرف الهمجي الغير مسئول من السلطات تقدم السيد عبدالحمن محمدعثما فقيري نائب والي الشمالية من منصبه منحازا لاهله النوبيين وقضيتهم العادلة

بيان من الجالية النوبية باستوكهولم ولجنة مناهضة سد كجبار

إلي جماهير الامة النوبية علي امتداد الارضالي كل غيور علي ارضه وتراثه وتاريخه المسروق الي كل شريف يسعي لتحقيق قيم العدل و الحرية والمساواة بين البشر الي كل المستضعفين و المهمشين الذين ضحوا بكل غالي ونفيس فكان جزاؤهم التهميش الي عقولنا وعقولكم فالانسان عقل ،إن ماحدث بالامس للشعب النوبي فوق ارضه من قنل وقهر وظلم لا يقبله عقل ولا منطق ولاشرع سماوي ولاقانون ارضي مهما بلغ من وضاعة واستخفاف ،فضرب أصحاب الحق العُزل ،مالكي الارض الشرعيين ، من قبل جماعة استولت علي الحكم بالقوة منذ سنين ، ومهما طالت هذه السنين فلن تعطي الشرعية لهذه الجماعة المغتصبة للحكم ان تشرد المواطنين من ارض اجدادهم وتلقي بهم في العراء يلتحفون السماء بعد ان كانت تغطيهم العلاقات الاسرية بدفئها ، تدفع عنهم نوائب الدهر وتخفف عنهم قسوة الصحراء ، التي صبروا علي قسوتها ليكونوا في إلفتهم وهذي قيم انسانية لا يتثني ان يدركها من ملاء حب المال نفسه فاصبح لايعرف سوي المال قيمة ، أن القوم قد وعوا الدرس من اخوانهم اهالي وادي حلفا الذين اصبحوا يهيمون علي وجوههم بحثا عن وطن ، وان كان الوطن ارض فقط فما اوسع ارض الله ولكنه نوع من هذه العلاقة الحميمية من الالفة البشرية للمكان بابعاده التاريخية وعلاقاته الاجتماعية ، ان محاولة اقتلاع الانسان من هذا الوطن الحق هي كعملية نزع الروح من الجسد لا شبيه اخر لها وهوالمثل الذي ضربه شهداء الامة النوبية بالامس وسيظلوا يضربونه ما سرت الدماء في العروق وما جري النيل في ارض النوبة يبعث الحياة.إن هذه الجماعة المغتصبة للحكم عليها ان ترعوي وتكف يدها عن اهل السودان كافة والنوبة خاصة ، ولتعلم هذه الجماعة المغتصبة للحكم أن بداية زوال الحكم سفك الدماء كما قال علي ابن ابي طالب كرم الله وجهه ، ولا يغرنهم تاريخهم المرتوي بدماء الابرياء دكتور علي فضل ومجدي محجوب محمد احمد والكابتن طيار بطرس وصولا الي شهداء ارض القران دارفور وشهداء احداث بورتسودان والسجل يطول لايغرنهم ذلك بانهم بمفازة من العذاب ، كلا بل ازفت ساعة السؤال ، ولعذاب الاخرة اشد . هذه إحدي ذكري شهر قدومكم المشؤوم لبئس الذكري ولبئس المذكورون.إن ارض النوبة في تاريخها القريب ناهيك عن البعيد مشهود لها بالامن و الطمأنينة والامة النوبية مترفعة عن العنف و السلاح رغم معرفتهم واجادتهم له ، فهاهو تهراقا يكتب بعد وصوله ارض الشام "إن ملك النوبة لايرغب في حكم ارض غير ارضه" . أما وقد طالت ايدي غاصبي الحكم ارض بل ارواح احفاد رماة الحدق فهذا وحده يحدث عن ما سيكون بعده.علي ماسبق نطالب:1 بالقصاص من من تلوثت ايديهم بدماء شهداء النوبة.2 سحب قوات الشرطة والامن و الجيش المتواجدة بارض الامة النوبية ، فالامة النوبية قادرة علي حماية ممتلكاتها وارضها وحياة مواطنيها وضيوفها من غير الاجهزة سالفة الذكر والتي دلت الاحداث انها اجهزة ما اتت الا لقهر واذلال وترويع أمن المواطن الآمن وقتله بدل حماية حياته.3 التفاف وتوحد كل الامة النوبية حول المطالبة بحقوقهم أسوة بكافة امم السودان واطرافه المختلفة والمطالبة بحقهم الشرعي في تقرير المصير او الحكم الذاتي او ما يرونه مناسب لتصريف شئونهم الذاتية واستعادة ارثهم و تاريخهم المسروق.

Irki Ta Ademani

Ademikon Gorani

Oni Ta Ininani

Igaden Ayga Sikir Wida

Adem Aytanga Jani

The International Appeal to Rescue Nubia And to stop Building the Kajbar Dam Petition

The International Appeal to Rescue Nubia And to stop Building the Kajbar Dam Petition

طائرة حربية تراقب مسيرة غضب في كجبار

من اللجنة الشعبية لدرء آثار سد كجبار

مطبوع::اللجنة الشعبية لدرء آثار سد كجبارالتاريخ 16/1/
2007السيد والي الولاية الشمالية الموقر
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
،وبعدباسم لجنة درء آثار سد كجبار نرفع لسعادتكم هذا الطلب مستفسرين كل الحقائق عن مشروع سد كجبار وذلك لان المواطنين يعيشون في بلبلة للتحركات من جهات مختلفة ورغم إفادتكم لمندوبينا في مقابلتكم بكجبار بأن هذه الاتيام تجري دراسات للسد.هذه التحركات أدت إلى عدم اطمئنان المواطنين لما يجري لغياب الشفافية والتعتيم المستمر عن كل ما يدور بهذه المنطقة. عليه فإننا نطالب سيادتكم تمليكنا كل الحقائق عما يجري أو توجيهنا لجهات الاختصاص.ولكم الشكر وبالله التوفيق,,,,عزالدين ادريس رئيس اللجنةعبدالله آدمأمين اللجنةصورة إلى:السيد/ أمين عام حكومة الولايةالسيد/ معتمد محلية حلفاالسيد/ المدير التنفيذي وحدة فريقالسيد/ اللجنة الشعبية للسد بالخرطومالسيد/ لجان الشياخات بالمنطقةالسادة/ رؤساء اللجان بدول المهجر---------------------------------------------------------------------------
رئاسة الجمهورية
Presidency of the Republicوحدة تنفيذ السدودDams Implementation Unit
لجنة متابعة الدراسات والخدمات الاستشارية للمشروعات الجديدة
التاريخ 3/3/3007 وت س/ل م د ا م ج/ر ل/130/2007ا
الأخ / مدير الإدارة العامة للشئون الإدارية والمالية
لعناية الأخ/ عبدالعاطي هاشم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
،الموضوع: الدراسات الجيوتقنية لمشروع سد كجبارإزالة مزروعات لغرض الدراسات بالضفة اليمنى للنيلإشارة إلى عقد الدراسات الجيوتقنية لمشروع سد كجبار الموقع مع الشركة الصينية (NCEH) وحيث تم تسليم الموقع للمقاول وتسليمه برنامج العمل للبدء في الدراسات.فانه عند مباشرة المقاول للأعمال الابتدائية لتحديد حفر الاختبار بالموقع اتضح أن جزء من هذه الحفر يقل داخل أراضي وجروف (بالضفة اليمنى) مزروعة بواسطة الأهالي وبها محاصيل نقدية (شتوية) لم تحصد حتى الآن. ونسبة لمحدودية الجدول الزمني للأعمال نشأت حاجة ماسة لإزالة تلك المزروعات (قبل حصادها) حتى يتم العمل في الزمن المطلوب.تمت مخاطبة المقاول لتوضيح مواقع تلك الحفر والمساحات المزروعة المطلوب إزالتها والبرنامج الزمني لذلك وأفاد المقاول بخطابه (المرفق صورته) بالآتي:1. عدد حفر الاختبار الواقعة داخل الأراضي المزروعة بالضفة اليمنى (21) حفرة.2. مساحة الأرض المراد إزالة المزروعات من عليها 16.413 م2.3. البرنامج الزمني لتسوية الأرض وتمهيد الطريق إلى داخلها 15 يوماً (من 5 – 20مارس 2007).4. البرنامج الزمني لتنفيذ الاختبار (21) حفرة من 20 مارس وحتى 15 ابريل 2007م.علماً بأن هذا البرنامج للضفة اليمنى، وتمت مخاطبتهم لعمل نفس الشيء للضفة اليسرى.عليه نرجو كريم تفضلكم بشرعة توجيه من يلزم نحو تعويض الأهالي عن محاصيلهم التي ستتلف
بخط اليد
جمهورية السودان
رئاسة الجمهورية
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
وحدة تنفيذ السدود
المدير التنفيذي
مفوضية الشئون الاجتماعية والبيئية
قسم التعويضات
السيد رئيس وأعضاء اللجنة الشعبية العليا لسد كجبار
الموضوع: السماح باستمرار عمل الدراسات للسد
بالإشارة للموضوع أعلاه أرجو التكرم لنا بعمل مسح لتعويضات المتأثرين من الدراسات الجيوتقنية للسد. وذلك بتقييم مزروعاتهم وموافقة أصحاب الملك عبر اللجنة باستمرار العمل في الدراسة. وسيكون العمل للدراسة فقط موضوع الطلب... وجزآكم الله خير،،،،
سامي معاوية عبدا لملك
ضابط تعويضات المشروعات(المفوضية)
بخط اليد
اللجنة الشعبية لدرء آثار سد كجبار
التاريخ 18/3/2007
الموضوع: رد على طلب ضابط التعويضات في قيام سد كجبار فيما يخص استمرار الدراسات الأستاذ/ سامي معاوية عبدا لملك)
استمعت اللجنة الشعبية لمتابعة آثار سد كجبار بالمنطقة والخاص باستمرار الدراسات في موقع السد مؤكدا أن العملية مجرد دراسات ليس إلا. بعد النقاش المستفيض للطلب، توصلت اللجنة إلى القرار التالي:1. الموافقة على استمرار الدراسات مرهونا (مشروطا) بما يلي:• أن يكون الطلب مكتوبا.• تسليم اللجنة مع الطلب مستندات تؤيد أن الموضوع مجرد دراسات.• عدم تجاوز العمل في الدراسات حدود الغرض نوعا والمدة الزمنية.• تعويض أصحاب الملك موضع إقامة الدراسة في مزروعاتهم التي تتلف نتيجة قيام الدراسات.2. إذا تجاوز مشروع الدراسات إلى ما يوحي إلى انه عمل غير ذلك لجنة الحق في إيقاف العمل كليا وبالكيفية التي تراها.
عزالدين ادريس محمد رئيس اللجنة
عبدالله آدم حسنأمين اللجنة

لا .. لسد كجبار

لا لهذا السد الكارثي .... حاربناه بشده قبل عقد من الزمان ,,, انه يؤذي بشرا كثيريين موزعيين علي 71 قرية ....الامر يستوجب تضامنا مرة اخري كما فعلنا من قبل ... الدعوة لكل من شاركتهم في التصدي لهذه الكارثة الذي قدمه الي مؤتمر السدود ولقد قام كذلك باجراء لقاءات اذاعية حيث يعيش .. اتصلنا بالمنظمات والمجموعات المهتمة بضحايا السدود ....لا لهذ السد الهدام ....... للتذكير اورد نص مقال صديقي عارف جمال :
Deconstructing Nubia(Dr.Arif Gamal-African-American Studies-UC Berkeley - <>) Around the mid fifties an eccentric and crazy man, Hameed, used to roam the streets of the city of Halfa which used to be the capital of modern Sudanese Nubia(see map of Sudan). Presently Halfa and all the surrounding villages are under the waters of Lake Nubia due to the 1962 construction of the Aswan Dam. He wore a shouting red turbin and colorful jalabiyiha. With his crooked stick he’d point to the limestone hill tops, formed through insistent flow of the mighty Nile for thousands of years, and he’d shout “We are drowning. People listen, we will drown. Nation of Mohammed listen, we are all going to be flooded. The waters will reach those mountain tops...People, we are drowning”. Nobody heeded poor Hameed, and life went on as usual, until one fine day a delegation of public officers arrived from Khartoum (capital of Sudan). This delegation met with the chiefs and mayors of the towns. The news of the Egyptians building a dam at Aswan spread like fire through the Nubian villages. Though the Nubians were aware of Egypt’s intention through the press both in Sudan and Egypt, they still could not take the blow. The blow was too hard for them to bear: many were so shocked that they could not believe their ears and ran into the streets in the hope of finding someone who could tell them otherwise. Repatriation and resettlement in another far away land was not an option, but a must. Hameed’s prophecy became a reality. Overnight from a “madman’s” status, Hameed was proclaimed a “Wali”(holy man), a clairevoiant. Today, Nubians are trying to purge Hameed’s mythical power and ward off a second coming of the deluge... only this time they would need more than a Wali. Suad Ibrahim Ahmed, a retired academic and activist, circulated an appeal early May 1998, denouncing the building of yet another dam(s) over Nubia. The appeal went to all of the UN organizations, embassies, news agencies, advocacy groups and concerned Non-Governmental Organizations. “I was shocked yesterday when the mass media announced the signing of a preliminary agreement with a Chinese Company to begin building the Kajabar Dam in the heart of remaining Nubian land. This kind of disaster has fallen on us before, this is the fifth time this century (1902, 1912, 1933, and 1963)” she states in her letter. The story and its sad reading follows.. The Nile and Its DamsThe Nile has always been the artery of life to the huge population living on its banks. To the Nilotics its the source of their hunters and gatherers societies since dawn of humanity, to pastoralist its the grazing ground of their domesticated animals, to the northern communities, the Nile flood plains were the grounds where the first human civilizations were known as people settled, grew and flourished as they were able to master irrigation and select different breeds of barley, wheat and sorghum. In our modern times, the Nile, like many rivers around the globe, became a potential to support the new mode of civilizations and modernity through generating electricity or/and supply constant streams of water to our growing urban population. The first dam to have been constructed on the Nile was at Aswan in 1902The uplift, 200 million years ago, of the continental mass of Africa, caused extensive internal faults and cracks, forming a series of regional basins usually occupied by major rivers, like the Nile. This mighty river pursue leisurely meandering courses through much of its long passage, occasionally spreading out into broad, shallow basins that once held inland seas, and finally spilling over the continental edge of the plateau in waterfalls and courses of rapids or cataracts, before emptying into the sea. The celebrated cataracts of the Nile are six, all in the land of Nubia (see map of Sudan). Since antiquity, these cataracts were buffers and protectors of Nubian from all marauding seafarers and sailors from the North. The cataracts and ability of Nubians in the use of arrows, were major obstacles to ancient Egyptians desiring to conquer “Tai-Seti” or the “Land of the Bow”. Today, the first and only cataract lies in Egypt while the five others lie in the Northern State of present day Sudan. It is around the first cataract that Aswan was built and heightened three times, and it is around the third cataract that Kajabar is to be built this time. Raison D’etre of KajabarThe first thing that a visitor to Khartoum will notice, is the acute energy crises. Power cuts and shortage of water, especially during the flood periods July-August, are simply hellish in some of the hottest and, over populated area like Khartoum. This has been the case for more than a decade now, and many futile efforts were made to alleviate the situation, but to no avail. There was even a feasibility study that was produced by the World Bank in the seventies, to heighten the Damasin Dam on the Blue Nile; a dam that supplies Khartoum with electricity, but nothing came of it. The government of Colonel El Bashir hence decided to role its sleeves and build another two dams. In closed doors sessions they decided to build these hydroelectric dams in the Northern province. One around the Hammadab area (see map) and another micro-dam, 111 km North of the town of Dongala, the capital of the northern state at the level of the Third cataract. The former dam will supply electrical power needed to Khartoum and to all of the urban areas in between. While Kajabar dam promises all electrical “goodies” to the region around Dongola (see map). The lake behind the dams will ofcourse be used in “greening the desert”. I will focus on Kajabar which targets the rest of the Nubian territory:Sekot and Mahas.Kajabar Dam, will span 23 m long and 40 m wide at 221 m crest. It is projected that the lake created behind the dam will stretch 140 km South, with an anticipated storage capacity of 1.8 billion gallons of water (Table). The government of Sudan estimates that there are only 9 villages that will be flooded, and these villagers will be well compensated for their cooperation and repatriated to some other region. But if the officials of the Sudanese government look harder into the facts on the ground, they will realize that the reality is different from what they anticipate and that much more than 9 villages are at stake. Adverse Effect of the DamThe August 1988 floods that plagued the region, and again this year since August, were measured at 207m at the contour lines. The past and present floods have almost immeresed many of the villages around the banks of the Nile, and 22,000 families lost their hom, and an international appeal is under way to help these families with food and medical supplies. The lake behind Kajabar is measured to rise above the level of 210 m, 213 m, 215 m and 218 m consecutively. This enormous amount of water will immerse no less than 200 Nubian villages on the Nile. This is contrary to the government’s statement stating that only 9 villages will be affected (see detailed map of villages).The irony of all this is that the area that will be flooded by Kajabar includes Wadi El Khawi. This Wadi or valley was also amongst the suggested regions for the repatriation and resettlement of affected and displaced population of the 1963 Aswan Dam floods. Had they been resettled in that area, this would have meant that they would have had to be resettled again in another location. Dissipation of a Sustainable Agro-ecosystemThis last stretch of Nubia that is to be flooded by Kajabar reservoirs is some of the world’s richest soils. The meandering Nile, is steadily and continuously is fed each rainy season by the Atabara River, which rushes down from the Ethiopian Highlands. The Nile deposit its heavy and much needed chocolate-colored load in Nubia from the fourth to the third cataract. Short as the flood period is, from July to October, the renewed vigor brought to the land, together with an optimal climatic conditions, brings in some of the most important growing period; the wee. Nubia since antiquity was ready to feed a whole nation with basic staple fooand spices that perfumed the dullest of cooking pots. A short, but highly intense growing season.The agro-ecosystem is a sustainable one in Nubia. It has been so for the past thousands of years. Working diligently on improving his harvest and making the best of small land holdings, the Nubian farmer was able to maximize his/her harvest and stock enough for out of season crops. Nubians practice a three rotational cycle, that coincide with three different climatic periods and satisfy the exigencies of each of their food, fodder or cash crops. Though no fallow, the crops are chosen with the utmost care to keep and build on the health and integrity of the soils. It is here where the first wheat and barley were ever domesticated around 10,000 BC and here was the first technological revolution occurred with the invention of the escaly or the waterwheel allowing exploitation of further land through irrigation and flood control.The crops grown during the best time of the year; winter or wi, starts during the cool month of October and are wheat, barley, peas, beans, lentil, chick peas, potatoes, onions and other vegetables. While the seifi or harsh summer cycle would start in July where fodder crops and quick growing vegetable crops are sown e.g. millet, red and white beans, okra, mulukhia and rigla (the two later’s are green leaved plants used with a base of tomato or soup sauce in cooking). The last cycle is the dameira or flood cultivation. Water and sweet melons, groundnuts, marrow and onion seeds plus most of the seifi crops are sown as of mid-July. A bonus to all farmers are the Nile banks juruf/slopes as the river subsides and the rich silt deposits allow the sowing of tomatoes, lupin, red and white beans. No Nubian was deprived of a healthy meal. Citruses are abundant everywhere. Lemon, orange, mango and some of the finest grape fruit trees are on Nubian lands. Guava, fig and other drought resistant fruit trees are in practically every house and along every water canal. Five million of these fruit trees will be lost under the new Kajabar scheme Environmental ConsiderationsThe storage capacity of the lake behind Kajabar is estimated to be around 2 billion cubic meters of water. This amount of water extending into the desert will definitely have negative affects on the flora and fona of the surrounding region. Many vital studies were not carried out addressing the effect of the water on the indigenous species of plants and animals. No mention to the climatic change that could occur due to the evapo-transpiration from the surface of the lake and the effect on the region and its surroundings.Through past experiences from Lake Nubia, a number of major Nile fish went through a drastic biological adaptation which affected the culinary and economic values of those fish. A good example is the known Nile perch (Tilabia nilotica), from a free flowing fish, it had to adapt to a sedentary lake life which affected the biological cycle of these species. They grew to enormous sizes, several meters in length while they are usually less than 50 cm up river. As they grow in size the texture, taste and quality of the meat is greatly compromised. Also the pressure brought by this dominant species in Lake Nubia, have certainly affected many of the more fragile and less abundant species on the Nile. Presently, the perch is about the only fish that is caught in and around Lake Nubia. The biodiversity has certainly been affected as down the Nile, there are more than 30 species of fish that garnishes a Nubian kitchen at any time of the year. It is doubtful that these fish will ever be seen again after the construction of Kajabar.Maybe an important aspect of the change in the ecosystem will affect birds habitat, both migratory and sedentary ones. Reptiles, crustaceans, arthropods, and arachnids living on the banks of the Nile will loose their niches forever and are more prone to destruction and extinction as they seek higher grounds and try to establish new territories. While useful and important riparian species of insects might be extinct, it is certain that harmful ones will persist. The mosquitos, vectors of malaria protozoans, are known to take advantage of erratic movement of water, and can make use of the rising waters to hasten their life cycle and spread faster the disease. The disease is already one of the most serious in the region and need not to be nurtured further. It is inconceivable, but very likely, that another program be established, similar to that of the Egyptian funded one on Lake Nubia since the early sixties, which dumps an enormous tonnage of DDT in Wadi Halfa. Many studies have shown the hazardous nature of such a program to the local population and its drastic effect and bioaccumulation on marine fona and flora. Cultural ConsiderationsThe essence of the Nubian culture evolves around the “date palm”. Those of you who have looked into pictures or films and saw palm dates on both banks of the Nile, should know that these are not floristic growths that went out of control nor ornaments left to proliferate at will nor botanical species with the sole purpose for a picture perfect horizon. They are property, and very important property at that. They are the Nubian stocks, bonds and long term investment. “I entrust for thy care and attention thine aunt, the date palm”, Prophet Mohammed of Arabia said. A Nubian nursing, weeding, watering, pollinating and harvesting dates, will repeat this phrase and all that is holy, with regard to the date palm. The shade of the beloved tree, the honey sweet Bartamouda, fleshy Gondeila and delicious Barkawi are Ramadan’s aperitif, the sugar for a dark and steaming pot of tea, an offering to visitors and a good omen during all marriage ceremonies. Rugs, mats, decorated baskets, robes, roofs, sagia (water wheel), furniture and even female coffins are all useful secondary products of date palms. Most important, the tree was symbol of respect, peace and harmony. A great uncle of mine summarized his misery for having to leave the old country and forced to relocate to the desert region of the East: ‘Kashim El Girba’ in this morose sentence: “We left some good dates, my son and... I miss them.” To Nubians date palms are quasi humans.There are more than 5 million date palms that are going to be inundated by the lake created by Kajabar. The economical importance, beside the ecological and cultural aspects of the loss of dates are dire. Many families obtain an appreciable source of their cash income from the date harvest. These are small scale family enterprises, gender orientated, as women clean and process the dateor their by-products. Other large scale enterprises are left to men, selling the harvest to urban city merchants while they are still on the tree. There is no way to compensate the social activities that evolves around the palm tree. Loss of a Global HeritageTimothy Kendall, an associate curator at Boston Museum of Fine Arts, leading an expedition in northern Sudan in 1997, came across important ancient Nubian archaeological findings. “The Nubians were not just vassals and trading partners of the Egyptian Pharaohs but also the creators of an ancient and impressive civilization of their own, with a homegrown culture that may have been the most complex and cosmopolitan in all Africa”, he wrote (Time, September 15, 1997). He goes on to state that, Nubia, not Egypt, may have been the first true African civilization. Indeed the story of Nubia is still novice to historians and aspiring archaeologists have not yet scratched the surface of this rich and resourceful region.To ancient Kemit, Nubia was “Tai-Seiti” the land of the “Bow People”. These people could never be subjugated, they knew how to use their bows and arrows. Pharaohs sought, either to befriend them or mount a capable invasion on their territories. Egyptologist measure the grandiose of any of the dynastic Pharaohs by either invading Nubia or keep them at bay. Inscriptions at Jebel Suliman, on the west bank opposite Degheim village, shows that Nubia was conquered by King Dejr (3000 B.C.), the third king of the First Dynast. Later, Snefru the jewel of the Fourth Dynasty, father, grand father and great grand father to those Pharaohs who built the Giza pyramids and the Sphynix, some of the seven wonders of the world, inscribed in his daily that he invaded Nubia and brought 100,000 prisoners and more than 200,000 head of cattle. The fact goes to speak, not only of Snefru’s greed, but of the flourishing population in Nubia. The New Kingdom Pharaohs, the Amenhotps and Ramses II (1290-1224 B.C.), rose to prominence because they were able to ward off Nubians and drag them into humiliating defeat. Nubians and jews were to build Ramses’ palaces, multitude of statutes, and temples. To prove his divinity he found no better than building his marvel temple at Abu Simble. A mountain that dwarfs Mount Richmond, both in age and craftsmanship, and talks of the Nubian tenacity and astrological knowledge in sculpting the sides of the limestone mountain. While in the heart of Nubia Ramses II built his temple at Aksha and the Viceroy Stau and his wife were represented in a temple at Faras, further North, worshipping him.One of the most important marvels of these temples were erected by the Queen King or Hatshepsut (1490-1468 B.C.) dedicated to Horus, the falcon-headed God, at Buhen. Another at Semna West and again at Dibeira. In Semna East (Kuma) she dedicated her temple to the ram-headed god Khuum and this was extended by her successor Tutmosis III. While at Semna West respect for the local gods made Tutmosis III dedicate his temple to Dedwan, the God of incense, God of Nubia. Later Shabaka, Taharqa and Piankhi revenge their ancestors and drive their chariots of vengeance all the way to the end of the Twenty Fifth Dynasty to secure at Memphis the white-and-red double crown of Upper and Lower Khemit. They stayed on the throne for 67 years and their artifacts are still in Egypt to today. An intact scripture in Nubian language, first in history of the region and was attributed to the place of its found and the person who wrote the book is known as “The writer of Sarra East”.Persecuted Donatists, Orthodox Christians or copts speaking of the divinity of Christ in Egypt, found refuge in Nubia during the fourth century AD. They were allowed to build their churches and worship freely knowing that they were amongst trustworthy and open-minded people. They soon were able to convert many families to their own faith and made of Nobada with its capital at Faras one of the first Christian kingdoms in Africa. The paintings and drawings of the black Madonna and black Jesus found in Faras during the late 1950s, are fine example of good craftsmanship and artistic capabilities of Nubians.All the theologies left their imprints, artifacts and stories in Nubia. The first Moslems, during the seventh century, seeking to infiltrate into the heart of Africa through the Nile valley, had their dreams crushed. They were not able to travel beyond Nubia. In peace they came and in peace they were allowed to build a mosque and call for prayers before they were hurriedly ushered back to where they came from: the North. Christianity remained the dominant religion of the state and flourished to the eighth century.An international effort was made to save many of the Nubian temples and churches that were found in the late fifties and before the rise of the Nile waters after the Aswan Dam. More than 22 missions from all over the world were actively excavating for the buried treasures over which the Nubians were living. The High Dam over Nubia gave little chance for further excavation. Kajabar with its water behind the dam, will definitely submerge the last remnants of this great civilization. There are some 24 sites in the area that are known to be of archeological importance, all of which are jeopardized by the rising waters. Old Dongla, is known to house some of the earliest Coptic/Orthodox churches in the world. At Dabla island some of the most ancient Christian cemeteries, dating to the six and seventh century, will be lost forever. These are some of the global human heritages that are known and if Kendell is right, there are many more that are to be known. Nubians are literally walking over a sand of human history. The Funding and Construction of KajabarThe Government of Sudan (GOS) is seeking $1.5 billion to construct Kajabar. The Democratic Republic of China is contracted to build the dam and the preliminary agreement has been signed May 1998. Mr. El Shariff El Tuhami, Minister of Energy declared in July 1998, that they have approached several “friendly” countries to help in funding this project. Malaysia was approached by Minister of Power Mr. Awad El Jaz in August 1998, but was delivered a note of protest by Nubians residing in Malaysia as to the construction of the dam. The Malaysian government is not part of the funding as rumoured. The Chinese governement decided to fund building of the project as an “Offset” to their investments in Sudan. Other sources of funding is expected from Dongola rich bussinessmen and expatriate who are inticed to invest in the project and have direct interest in the power stations for their towns along the Nile.There are no indications of any multi/bilateral organizational involvement and it is greatly doubted that any funds will come from these sources view the dismal human rights record of the GOS and the heavy debts incurred through the years from every known bank in the north. Alternatives to the MythThe energy crises and finding a resolution to it will always be with us. True, in Nubia, the alternatives to hydroelectric power stations are few, but this is because we did not look long enough. However there are two projects, one already executed and has shown an enormous success in the use of solar energy to pump drinking well water as well as irrigate agricultural lands from the Nile. The land holdings are small and these photovoltaic cells can be easily assembled and moved from one place to another. The technology is there, it has been tested and proven promising. The second project, pending funding, is one that is similar to the above-mentioned project in Kosha (Mahas region), where research will also focus on generating electricity from individual solar panels for a number of neighboring houses. These are only two examples of successful efforts and am sure that there are many more that can be made, where the energy needs for the region will be satisfactory and be an exemplary model for other regions of Sudan. Popular Reaction to KajabarThe Kajabar Dam project has been a “closed session” deal, that brewed in the Khartoum offices since 1996. The local people have not beenconsulted. There is no social, economical or ecological package assessment to it. The feasibility studies were also executed in Khartoum by engineers affiliated to and appointed by the regime to start processing the compensation and repatriation procedures of the resident local population.The first reaction to the rumors of another dam over Nubia was disbelief. What with an atrocious civil war blazing in the South of the country and bad relations with neighboring countries, the GOS seemed to have placed Kajabar in the back burner for a while. As of the end of 1997, there seems to have been renewed energy to go ahead with the construction of the dam. This brought about an angry reaction from the local population, who were quick to voice their concerns to the local and central administrators to no avail. Nubians in the diaspora, and they are estimated to be about 3 millions, mailed and faxed their rejection and distaste to the inception of Kajabar.The most vocal of these have been the local population who in reality need all the national, regional and international support they could get. The Nubian Studies Documentation Center (NDSC) in Cairo have worked long and hard on this issue. The NDSC is extremely active in following up on all the developments to this project, informing the local population and trying to rally support for their cause. In their petition to the president, dated March 18, 1998, the Committee have categorically refused the principal of compensation or repfrom the region. “The Nubians have vowed not to leave their lands” they clearly stated their opposition. They were the ones to “sit-in” in May 1998, when a prospecting Chinese technical team first arrived to visit the site and acquaint themselves with the region. Amongst the demonstrators, fifty persons who dared to voice their disapproval were arrested. They were eventually released, but their names on government documents is definitely not in their favor..Other active Nubians and non-Nubian personalities and organizations have taken the lead in rallying support to the local Nubian population and have inspired many to work on the preservation of and on the Nubian threatened and unfortunately dying culture. In the United States the Nubian Alliance has been a major supporter to the Nubian cause and one that we would like you to contact at the address below if you esteem that this is a worthwhile cause to support. I will also suggest that you visit Sidahmed’s Nubian homepage (address) for further information on Nubia and the Nubian culture. Sidahmed himself is a wealth of knowledge and most resourceful in directing and channeling your support.Let me end with the words of Suad that I began with: “I believe as Nubians, we have a right to remain on our ancestral homeland, a right which is being brutally violated. We are being denied the right to organize or hold unfettered public meetings to oppose the project or demand proper, scientific and comprehensive studies by independent consultants.” Suad on her own can not change much, all of us together have a greater chance in deconstructing Kajabar not...Nubia


abubakr sidahmed Jan 5th. 2007